such a character |
We can't believe that in only TWO more short months our little guy will be a one year old.....a toddler! He has changed so much and his personality shows more and more each day. At his checkup last week he weighed 20.4 lbs. (52%) and 29.5 inches (77%). Cooper has mastered crawling (if he's in a hurry he prefers crawling Mowgli style), going up and down the stairs, and pushing the high chair + dining table chairs + garbage can around the tile floor. He can stand on his own for about 30 seconds and sometimes will take one step forward, but chickens out after that. Sadly to admit, he has started to throw little fits when things aren't going his way. He enjoys individually throwing each piece of clothing out of his drawers. Cooper's first two bottom teeth popped up this last month and his upper teeth should be coming in very soon (not fun). He just recently started waving hi/bye and giving high 5's.
Cooper has so many family members that love him. He has been lucky this last month to have had visits from Grandpa Roadie, Grandma Bean/ Grandpa Ricky and fly out to Illinois with daddy to visit his great-grandparents, grandparents, aunt, uncles, and COUSINS- Colin, Peyton, & Brody.
Loves pickles and grandpa time |
taking a picture of 4 kids under the age of 5= hilarious!! |
first (of many) football games with daddy |
loving his first park visit |