
T E N months...double digits!!

such a character
We can't believe that in only TWO more short months our little guy will be a one year old.....a toddler! He has changed so much and his personality shows more and more each day. At his checkup last week he weighed 20.4 lbs. (52%) and 29.5 inches (77%). Cooper has mastered crawling (if he's in a hurry he prefers crawling Mowgli style), going up and down the stairs, and pushing the high chair + dining table chairs + garbage can around the tile floor. He can stand on his own for about 30 seconds and sometimes will take one step forward, but chickens out after that. Sadly to admit, he has started to throw little fits when things aren't going his way. He enjoys individually throwing each piece of clothing out of his drawers. Cooper's first two bottom teeth popped up this last month and his upper teeth should be coming in very soon (not fun). He just recently started waving hi/bye and giving high 5's.

Cooper has so many family members that love him. He has been lucky this last month to have had visits from Grandpa Roadie, Grandma Bean/ Grandpa Ricky and fly out to Illinois with daddy to visit his great-grandparents, grandparents, aunt, uncles, and COUSINS- Colin, Peyton, & Brody.

Loves pickles and grandpa time
taking a picture of 4 kids under the age of 5= hilarious!!
first (of many) football games with daddy
loving his first park visit


N I N E months

So big, so fast. He is a very busy body and is always trying to get into something. He enjoys pushing objects across the kitchen floor (mainly heavy ones, like his Bumbo seat and dining table chairs). We don't know if he is just going through a phase or what because every time we feed him peas or green beans he spits them everywhere and laughs...or maybe he is just going to be a veggie hater like his father. Cooper's eyes are still blue as can be and people always point out how beautiful they are. His hair isn't quite so stick straight anymore and is becoming wavy on the ends. It's super cute! Our hearts are full of love for this little guy--the kind of love I never thought was possible. We love you Coop.

cleaning buddy
playing with great-gram McD's jewelry
visit from Uncle Jason
his main bath accessory--rubber ducky

twinning. Yes Josh purposely did it---SO cute!!


E I G H T months

Once again, a few weeks off but our babe is 8 months! This month has been a huge changing milestone in our lives as he has learned to crawl. It seems like it all came too fast and I would reverse it in a second. I swear he started scooting for a few weeks and then BAM he suddenly was crawling full speed!! He has had a few falls but is very resilient and rarely cries when he tumbles over. He loves his puffs cereal and has mastered putting things into his mouth...we may or may not have caught him with a mouth full of dog food...yuck!! He still has no teeth but we swear he is teething all day everyday as he tries rubbing all sorts of things on his gums including the soles of shoes and our toes...once again yuck! The best way to get him to do a full on belly laugh is when Josh rubs his scruffy face on his belly. We get a kick out of watching his reaction every time. We are so blessed to have this sweet boy in our lives and the joy + laughter he brings us each day!
Our life has been crazy and hectic this last month as we have been packing and preparing to move so we've slacked in the picture taking department this month!


Escaping the Heat

I can guarantee that if you ask any of our ward friends how to survive summer in Arizona they will all reply with, "LEAVE"! I believe that tip to be true so Cooper and I packed up and spent 3 weeks in Utah. Josh missed us lots, but let's be honest....he mostly missed Coop! While we were there we enjoyed being outside and not dripping sweat // putting a jacket on in the evenings when the sun went down. We spent a day at my favorite lake--- Bear Lake where I sharpened up my wakeboarding skills. We also got to be there for Cort & Jade's wedding. But, most importantly we got to visit with many family members and friends. Overall, I think it was a very successful trip!
grass...what's that???
friends + family time

 4th of July // boating 

picking up daddy at the airport

catching up with my bestie

the new Mr+Mrs Geary 7/12/14


S E V E N months

This post is coming in a little late (he will be 8 months in 6 days) but I can't skip a month! He weighs about 19.8 lbs. and measures 27.5 inches. His new way to get around is using his arms to drag the rest of his body aka scooting. He is also attempting to pull himself up next to furniture. He is still sleeping great and loves all fruits and veggies he has tried. Still no teeth which I'm totally ok with! It's so fun to see his personality starting to come out. He is a busy body and we're anxious to see what he has in store for us ;)

1st Father's Day
Nap on the drive to Vegas
6.21.14 Mr+Mrs Mitch LeGrow
Spending time with Gma+Gpa McDonald


S I X months

We are absolutely in denial that our little guy is already 1/2 of a year old. He weighs 16 lbs. 11.5 oz. (25-50%) and measures 28 in. (90-95%). Josh wasn't able to come to the appointment this time but when I texted him the percentiles I said, "Yay we will have an athlete hopefully." Josh's humorous nature responds with, "Not if he stays that skinny! Start feeding him protein shakes!"

The first thing everyone says about Coop is how happy/smiley he is ALL THE TIME. If you grin at him he will always grin back (even to strangers). He likes to grunt when something is out of his reach and does high pitch squeals in the middle of sacrament meeting. As far as moving goes, he rolls to get any place he wants and is starting to scoot. His favorite place to be is by the sliding glass door, banging his forehead on the glass while sucking on the blinds...we are trying to work on a barrier for that! You can put every single one of his toys in front of him, but as soon as he sees any of Ozzie's toys he rolls right over to it and shoves it in his mouth...yuck!! So far he has tasted peas, green beans, squash, and carrots and loves them all! This little guy is going to be one strong kid (physically and mentally). He always manages to roll himself over while laying on the changing table pad and in the car seat if you don't buckle him in fast enough. Lately, he has been having a serious MELTDOWN when Josh or I leave his sight and once we come back he stops crying immediately!!! Besides that, we are so lucky and couldn't love him more!
Don't let the face fool you-- he loves peas!
Visiting the Chihuly Glass Garden
1st time swimming = success


F I V E Months

This post is coming in at almost a month late but I figured better late than never. April was an exciting month full of spoon feeding him. We started on baby oatmeal and at first he wasn't so sure and got frustrated when this goopy configuration got placed in his mouth. By the second or third time he
loved it. Now every time he sees the spoon he opens his mouth up as wide as he can. It cracks us up! He is a great eater.

He is still an awesome sleeper and sleeps about 10 hours through the night. His sleep must-haves include laying on tummy, thumb in mouth, froggy silky under hand, and soothing music in the background like so:

Other exciting things....
Aunt Rachy came to visit

Celebrated our first Easter

Participated in MS Walk for Steph


F O U R months

Current stats are... 14 lbs 6 oz (25%) 26 in (75%)... so tall and skinny like his daddy!

This past month he has mastered rolling from his back to stomach and LOVES it! That is now how he sleeps all the time. Sometimes he even sticks his bum in the air and it is super cute! He is O B S E S S E D with his hands/fingers and is constantly sucking on them, hence the pics above. We have noticed that he always has to have his feet pushing against something like the side of the crib, etc. He loves when daddy blows on his belly and has started doing a real belly laugh. His hair keeps getting lighter everyday so we are interested to see what color it turns out to be. Coop has also started to notice Ozzie (the dog). He constantly watches him and tries to reach out and pet him which results in Ozzie licking his hand. The doc has given us the OK to go ahead and start feeding him oatmeal so we are looking forward to that! Every stage with him has been so fun but it's going by way too fast. We sure do love our Cooper Keith.


Birthday WEEEEK

So Josh and my birthdays are exactly FOUR days apart, so every year we get to celebrate twice in a week + have the perfect excuse to eat out twice in 4 days! For Josh's birthday he picked Outback Steakhouse to eat. It was yummy! Cooper fell asleep on the drive home so Josh wanted to wait until he woke up to do cake and presents (super sweet)! It was so cute how much Josh loved having Cooper there to blow out the candles and open his present with him.

It's crazy to think how drastically our life has changed in just one year. We live in a completely different state, we have a dog, and our first darling son. To say the least, we've learned a lot and quickly! It's so fun to see Josh play the daddy role. I'm not even exaggerating, he is THE BEST at it. Such a natural. I love when he talks to Coop and plays with him. They are going to be the best of buds! I'm grateful for Josh's huge amount of patience he has for me. He is so understanding and calm and has helped me to relax when I need it most. I'm so lucky to have such an outstanding husband. He truly is one of a kind.

For my birthday my sweet daddy came to spend the weekend with us. We had a lot of fun and kept busy. To celebrate we went to P.F. Chang's to eat and then went to a Spring Training Baseball Game. (No, it wasn't my first choice for my birthday celebration but that was the only night we could go to a game). It was still fun though. We love our family and friends and all of the sweet birthday wishes we got.

Gpa, Coop, and don't leave Ozzie out!


T h r e e Months

And yet another month has flown right by! This past month he has started to swat and hold onto toys. He can quickly roll from his tummy to his back, but still working on back to tummy. He gets halfway there but hasn't figured out how to swing his leg over to finish the roll. I'm scared to admit that he is a busy body---already---and not even crawling!!! I'll leave the room for 1 minute when he is laying on his play mat and I come back to see that he has completely turned his body 180 degrees! I don't know how he can do that so fast. He is also SUPER strong. Yesterday he somehow managed to kick or pull out the bar that goes above his play mat right out of its stand!! Other than that he is still happy as can be and an excellent sleeper (up to about 10 hours a night now). We can't get over his long toes and big smiles! So much love for our little guy.    


A New Meaning for Love

This Valentine's Day we were in Utah so I thought it would be fun for Josh and I to reminisce on our most important memories of Logan. I put a puzzle/scavenger hunt thing together. Each piece of the puzzle had a clue written on it and he had to read the clue and then drive us to that location based on what the clue described. When he thought he was in the right location he had to give me a kiss and then I would present him his next puzzle piece if he was correct. It was a lot of fun! Here are the clues:

It's time to take a drive down memory lane,
and remember those fun times while living in a town so plain.
I'll give you a puzzle piece with a clue,
drive us to the next place--that's what you'll do!
In the end you will have a big heart,
flip it over to see the next part!

Let's start off where we had our first date,
which soon after "being official" was our fate.

This is where we hung out a lot,
and where I convinced you to say, 'I love you'--NOT!

This event you did not let linger,
then months after you placed something on my finger.

A beautiful building on a cold winter day,
we made a promise for long after we're old and gray.

We ate Subway after the matter,
and hoped we would never get fatter!

The one place we could be alone,
to make memories and ditch our phones.

The only reason you came to Utah,
yes you slacked but got the degree--HAHA!!!

...and the other side of the puzzle said 'Good for one free rock climbing date...NOW' but we decided to wait until we got back to AZ to go rock climbing.

I can officially say that my heart can not be any  fuller with love at this time. These two boys in my life (Josh & Cooper) have truly made it complete and I couldn't be happier. I never really understood how parents could have such an indescribable amount of love for their children until I became a mom myself. I long for every moment I get to cuddle and kiss my sweet baby boy. XOXO

Utah Trip

We got to venture up to Utah for 10 days.  The day we arrived it was snowing big, white fluff, but within the next few days the rain had melted it all away. So I was glad I was able to get a little bit of a snow fix. During our time there, Josh was able to meet up with some people for his job and we were also able to "show off" Mr. Cooper to many family members and friends. We seemed to stay very busy the whole time and it flew by too fast (Josh may think differently about that) haha.

Brooke & Staten
Demi, Sawyer, Caroline & RosieDaBeags


 I think the highlight of our trip for Josh was being able to take Cooper to his first OF MANY Utah State basketball games. Although it was a little too loud for his liking and he fell asleep after halftime, his first game was a success + he got a picture with Big Blue!

Future Aggie